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Image by Aaron Lau

celebrating celebration



Every year, APITAC’s advocacy chairs are tasked with creating a project that presents a perspective on Asian culture. This year, our project is a video film collaboration with Project: VISION’s SOCUTOA and is focused on how the Asian community has prevailed through such challenges, remaining a strong, unbendable force against societal injustices. In this film, we highlight Asian owned businesses, AAPI-focused organizations, community events and CPS Asian American clubs all as well! To put it simply, we are celebrating celebration.


Visit to watch the full video.

What is celebrating celebration?

For the 2023-2023 school year, APITAC partnered with SOCUTOA to create Celebrating Celebration, a project dedicated to highlighting the past and current history of Asian culture and community. Working together with Project Vision, we were able to capture the AAPI experience through multiple cultural events and performances such as our Night Market, as well as delve deeper into Asian American history in America, specifically in Chicago's Chinatown.


Celebrating Celebration is centered around the phrase "We stand proud." By highlighting the history of Chicago's Chinatown in our documentary (linked on the left), we are able to show how the Asian American culture and community has developed and overcome societal inequalities and injustices to create the strong, rich AAPI culture present throughout Chicago today. By gathering together Asian-American CPS students through performances and events, as well as interviewing the owner, William Chan, of Chinatown's longest-standing bakery Chiu Quon, we create a spotlight for AAPI businesses, organizations, and events, providing a platform where we can celebrate celebration through our history, heritage, and culture.

we stand proud

we stand proud

we stand proud

we stand proud


we stand proud

we stand proud

we stand proud

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