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Founded in 2019

Since the beginning of APITAC in 2019, teens from all over Chicago have come together to collaborate and create to show what it means to be part of the Asian-Pacific Islander community.

Meet the Founders

amy chen

Amy is an alum from Jones College Prep and was the President of Jones' Asian American Club during the 2019 to 2020 school year. She loves to read, make food, and create music. She will be studying actuarial science at UIUC.


Kelly Liu

Kelly is a 2020 graduate of Whitney Young. She was the President of WY's Asian American Club, and is currently an apprentice at Yin He Dance, a dance company focused on bringing Chinese dance and culture to different areas of Chicago. She is attending UIUC, majoring in interdisciplinary Health on the pre-Nursing track.

sara Zhang

Sara graduated from Walter Payton College Prep in 2020. She lead Payton's Asian American Club, Asian Student's Initiative, and found the AAPI Showcase. She is attending USC to study journalism but hopes to explore Asian American studies during college.

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